Thursday, July 17, 2014

Apple's iMac 8.1 freeze problem solve.

iMac is the best destop computer in the world. If there is problem in iMac Freeze, Then you have to do follow some simple trics and solve this problems.

BEWARE: you do it on your own risk!!!
  1. MAKE A BACKUP! – use TimeMachine or just copy your files to external drive
  2. Download and open the 10.6.2 kext files
  3. Download Kext Helper (from Kext Helper from my host.
  4. Go to: Apple Menu -> About This Mac -> More Info… -> Graphics/Display
  5. and find your graphics card’s model. (In my case the ATI RadeonHD2600)
  6. Take ONLY the files titled ATIFramebuffer.kext, ATISupport.kext, and ATI2600Controller.kext *(IF YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT GENERATION OF CARD THEN SELECT THE FILE WITH YOUR CARD’S NUMBER)* and put them on your desktop. TIP: if you dont know what file is your’s graphic card driver just select all files and drop it to the Kext Helper
  7. Open Kext Helper and drag the three files into the top drop spot.
  8. Enter your password in the text entry field.Kext helper with selected files
  9. Click „EASY INSTALL”
  10. Reboot
  11. Enjoy.......